Aluminum Park Benches

Like many business owners, we recognize exactly how important it is to create positive customer experiences. This requires intentional site furnishing plans which meet real customer needs. For this reason, CCW Site Furnishings provides commercial park bench options for a wide variety of indoor or outdoor environments. Aluminum park benches for instance are light-weight options for indoor or outdoor locations.
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Aluminum Park Benches

Aluminum Park Benches For Sale

Like many business owners, we recognize exactly how important it is to create positive customer experiences. This requires intentional site furnishing plans which meet real customer needs. For this reason, CCW Site Furnishings provides commercial park bench options for a wide variety of indoor or outdoor environments. Aluminum park benches for instance are light-weight options for indoor or outdoor locations.

Site Furnishing Plans For Positive Customer Experiences

Merchandising experts indicate that a shopper’s purchasing decisions are affected, at least in part, by how comfortable they are within the shopping environment. However, a good impression begins even before the customer enters the store. Surveys show that 95% of shoppers feel more likely to enter a store with an attractive exterior design or “curb appeal”. Potted plants, clear foot paths, and park benches are all part of creating a thoughtful exterior look.

Once you get shoppers to come inside, you must also create an environment they’ll want to spend time in. Here again the commercial bench comes into play, offering seating for members of the group who are not shopping, and increasing the likelihood of a long visit. In addition to this, business owners should pay attention to sufficient and attractive lighting, useful signage, and well-organized products, all of which improve a shopper’s experience.

Where should aluminum style park benches and other park benches be installed?

  • Apartment Buildings
  • Parking Lots
  • Grocery Stores, indoor or outdoor
  • Retail Stores, indoor or outdoor
  • Shopping Complexes, indoor or outdoor
  • Schools, indoor or outdoor
  • University Campuses, indoor or outdoor
  • Libraries, indoor or outdoor
  • Churches, indoor or outdoor
  • Hospitals, indoor or outdoor
  • Bus Stop or train station waiting areas

  • Commercial Aluminum Benches

    Length Our aluminum park benches are available in lengths from 4.5 feet up to 21 feet long
    Mounting Styles Our aluminum park bench collection includes inground, surface, portable, or wall mounting options.
    Colors/Materials Our aluminum park bench collection includes options with mixed materials such as recycled plastic slats.

    Additional Aluminum Park Bench Features

    Weather-resistant options Some of our aluminum park benches offer weather-resistent powder-coating.
    Portability Many of our aluminum park benches are lightweight enough for easy portability.