7 Steps to Create an Effective Crowd Control Plan

7 Steps to Create an Effective Crowd Control Plan

Creating an effective crowd control plan is what keeps attendees and staff safe. Events like parades, concerts, conferences, trade shows, festivals, and sports events should all have a set plan for proper crowd control. When planning an event, learning how to manage a crowd can prevent injury, lawsuits, and even a bad reputation. Establishing a proper crowd control plan ensures that guests safely get what they showed up for.

Crowd Control Checklist

Starting with a detailed checklist is a great way to ensure that you are fully prepared to have effective crowd control. A tangible list of things that must be done that is visible to everyone on staff establishes a protocol that can be followed before, during, and after the event. Before the event, there are a plethora of things to consider. Not only should the list be created beforehand, but mandatory training to ensure adherence to the list is also highly recommended.

Here's a checklist of things to consider that will help you create a successful crowd control plan for your next event:

  • Categorize the event
  • Create a safety plan (first aid kit, entering, exiting, security, restrooms)
  • Check your equipment
  • Understand the layout (seating, parking, fencing, barricades)
  • Organize ticketing and concessions
  • Develop weather plan
  • Follow up with your crew

1) Categorize the event

This first step requires staff to plan and organize the “who, what, when, where, why, and how”. Who is the demographic? What is the event? When is the event? Where is the event? Why are you putting it together? How many people can fit comfortably and safely? This allows your staff to figure out what is needed to make the event safe and enjoyable. Organizing and outlining this checklist will result in optimal crowd management.

2) Create a safety plan

When creating your crowd management plan, safety for staff and attendees should be at the top of the list. Make sure you have an up-to-date first aid kit with all the essentials like bandages, gloves, disinfectant wipes, gauze pads, antibiotic ointment, and adhesive tape. signage directing attendees where to enter, exit, use the restroom and find concessions if necessary. Lastly, gather a security team with easily identifiable attire.

3) Check your equipment

Create another small checklist specifically for necessary equipment like barricades, belt barriers, stanchions and rope, wall-mounted belt barriers, or plastic stanchions and chains. It’s important to make sure that every piece is functional and ready for usage well before the event just in case you have to order replacements. It also helps to know your equipment well, for example, the parts for barricades are dipped in zinc coating before assembly which makes them more affordable, but also more susceptible to wear and tear. As a result, it’s important to make sure they are ready to go before an event. Any traffic control items should be checked for quantity in case there are more attendees than expected.

4) Understand the event layout

When going over the layout or architecture of the event, consider the placement of seating, parking, fencing, and barricades. This should align with the ideas you have in place with safety to make sure everything flows properly from start to finish. Depending on the event, you can use classic stanchions and ropes which are easy to move around, give off a classy aesthetic, and can match other elements of the event. Classic stanchions and ropes can subtly keep guests in an organized line as they wait for entry. These are typically used for special events, museums, and theaters.

For an event with a large crowd, steel barricades will be sturdy and large enough to send the right message. These barricades are perfect for events where people travel in large groups where they will likely be standing side by side instead of right behind each other. Like the safety procedure, parking lot signs should be used for parking to ensure that guests can easily enter and exit. Attendees should be able to arrive, see where to park, know where to get in line and immediately identify the entrance.

5) Organize ticketing and concessions

Although purchasing tickets and concession stands may seem simple, the truth is this some businesses may overlook this, and it could confuse guests during the event. Proper signage like clear paper sign holders is perfect to show people where to get snacks or get tickets scanned.

6) Develop a weather plan

Whether the event is inside or outside, you should plan for the outer elements. Rain, snow, and even wind could affect how attendees operate on their way to the event. Security should be using signage to their advantage to guide guests according to a parking diagram so there are not crowds of people piled up in the rain. On a rainy or snowy day, wet floor signs are imperative to protect guests and your company from potential liabilities.

7) Follow up with your crew

Once the event is finished, you should document the good and the bad so you can improve with every event. Follow up with attendees and event staff to get feedback and input for the future. You can form a survey asking guests how safe they felt the event was or if any problems stood out. To close the survey, you can open the floor for staff or attendees to give suggestions. Although there is no 100% guaranteed way to prevent accidents, the right crowd management team and the proper crowd control products can significantly reduce the risk.

Now that you know how to create an effective crowd control plan, you will be able to have safe, enjoyable, and well-run events. Your guests will notice this, leave great reviews and make more appearances at events with your name on them. If you have any questions about how to best utilize crowd control products for your event, please check out some of our helpful links below!

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