Wooden Park Benches

Our CCW Site Furnishings collection recognizes exactly how important it is to design comfortable commercial spaces which customers and visitors actually enjoy. To help our customers achieve these positive environments, our site furnishing collection includes a wide variety of commercial park benches, including the traditional wooden park bench.
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Wooden Park Benches

Wooden Commercial Park Benches For Sale

Our CCW Site Furnishings collection recognizes exactly how important it is to design comfortable commercial spaces which customers and visitors actually enjoy. To help our customers achieve these positive environments, our site furnishing collection includes a wide variety of commercial park benches, including the traditional wooden park bench.

Transforming Spaces with Commercial Seating

While an intentional site furnishing plan can go a long way towards shaping positive community environments, it does not need to be complicated. Take New York Cityā€™s famous Bryant Park as an example. In the late 70ā€™s, Bryant Park was the kind of park people tried to avoid at night, overrun with nefarious activities and not the family-friendly park we recognize today. One simple change which seemed to have a significant impact on the parkā€™s use was the simple provision of movable tables and chairs. This simple change helped transform the park into one where communities gather and socialize, and today as many as 4,000 people spend leisure time in New York Cityā€™s Bryant Park.

Like Bryant Park, your park, courtyard or waiting area does not need a complicated site furnishing plan to become an enjoyable place for visitors and customers. Even the simple addition of a traditional wooden park bench will go a long way towards creating an environment people want to spend time in. This helps not only your patrons, but your business as well.

Where should traditional wooden park benches and other park benches be installed?

  • Apartment Buildings
  • Parking Lots
  • Grocery Stores
  • Retail Stores
  • Shopping Complexes
  • Schools
  • University Campuses
  • Libraries
  • Churches
  • Hospitals
  • Bus Stop or train station waiting areas

  • Commercial Wooden Park Benches

    Length Our wooden park bench collection includes lengths up to 8 feet long
    Mounting Styles Our wooden park bench collection includes inground, surface, or free standing mounting options.
    Colors/Materials Our wooden park bench collection includes multiple wood slat types and 9 color options for the park bench frames.ā€

    Additional Wooden Park Bench Features

    Traditional Style Wooden park benches have a timeless style, well-suited for many environments and design schemes.
    Easy set-up Many of our wooden park benches can be mounted as free standing benches, allowing for easy set-up or portability.
