Post & Rope Stanchions - Fixed & Removable

Fixed and removable post and rope stanchions are a permanent and semi-permanent crowd control solution with that classic elegant red carpet look. Choose from a collection of finishes, and match your post stanchion with our complete collection of ropes here.
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Post & Rope Stanchions - Fixed & Removable


Fixed and removable classic post and rope stanchions are used when directing foot traffic in a consistent area where you can fix the post to a socket in the floor for precision placement Β Fixed and removable posts can be installed for lines outside of high profile venues, movie theatres, or a permanent stylish barrier around a merchandise display.

All fixed and removable posts are available in three post top options; classic ball top, crown or urn top, and the flat top. Β 

Posts can be customized with stylish and durable premium polished finishes including brass, chrome, satin and stainless steel, and black. Β Rope options are the traditional soft velvet (velour) ropes, leather (Naugahyde), and braided nylon (twisted polypropylene) for the ultimate durability. Β 

Sign toppers can be added to the crown top or flat top stanchions to direct foot traffic or display your logo.

Customize your fixed or removable stanchion below!